X-ray array detector
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Model Type Pixel size Pixel matrix Effective area
Pheda3030 CMOS 100μm 3000×3000 300×300mm²
Pheda1613D a-Si(TFT) 125μm 1274×1024 160×128mm²(6×5in)
Pheda1412-5G CMOS 100µm 1404×1204 140.4×120.4mm²
Pheda1512 CMOS 100µm 1440×1120 144.0×112.0mm²
Pheda1412 CMOS 100µm 1404×1204 140.4×120.4mm²
Pheda0606A CMOS 49.5μm 1172×1260 58.0×62.4 mm2
Pheda1313 CMOS 100µm 1280×1280 128.0×128.0mm²
Pheda1215A CMOS 49.5μm 2940×2342 145.5×115.9 mm2
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